Panel Discussion

IBOR Transition: Is your business ready?

On September 16th at 3pm BST / 10am EST, we will be hosting a panel discussion on the LIBOR transition and debating, amongst other issues, whether the needs of the borrower have been properly considered.

We have an exciting panel lined up and we will be discussing questions such as:

  • What does “Economic Equivalence” mean?
  • What does the European experience teach us about the likely path of transition in the US?
  • How will treatment vary between Loans and Derivatives?
  • What are the risks of relying on fallback language?
  • What are the operational implications of transition?
  • What actions should you be taking NOW?

Regulators and banks are under increasing pressure to ensure timely implementation of required changes – Join us to understand the key implications of this impending change.


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